NCLEX-RN Training
- 6 Months access online modules with more than 4000 questions bank
- 20 classes of Strategies & Rationales
- weekly Reflection Q & A
- 1 to 1 Pre-Exam intensive review
3-6 months study plan delivered online. Bilingual teaching in Chinese and English.
NCLEX-RN is a computer-based examination for the Australian healthcare system, covering the five traditional areas of nursing practice: medical, surgical, obstetric, pediatric, and psychiatric. However, it is an integrated examination that does not focus on specialized fields. The exam consists of various question types, including single-choice, multiple-choice, and image-based questions. It is equivalent to the theoretical coursework component of studying in Australia.
The exam score is determined by the difficulty level of the answers rather than the number of incorrect answers. If the difficulty level of answered questions exceeds the passing standard, the exam will automatically stop after completing the required minimum number of questions, which is at least 75.
Tips: If one does not pass the NCLEX-RN exam on the first attempt, they can retake it after 45 days. There are a total of eight exam opportunities per year. Test-takers can choose to take breaks during the exam, but at least 75 questions must be completed. The maximum number of questions will not exceed 145.
NCLEX-RN is not only recognized in Australia but is also accepted in countries like the United States and Canada.
- NCLEX-RN + OSCE +Language Training
- Pre-Employment Training & First aid training
- Short stay OSCE Exam visa is included
- The Educator will be accompanying the exam
- Helping with CV, Interview strategy, and Job referral